Early momentum in college matters as student progress in the first year very often predicts retention and completion. Nationally, those who complete math and English gateway courses are more than twice as likely to graduate in three years compared to those who did not complete those gateway courses. More than two-thirds of community college students are labeled as academically underprepared in math and/or English, but even the lowest performing high school students are much more likely to succeed when placed directly into college level courses. 43% of students completed college level English as compared to only 12% completing developmental English and 29% completed college level math compared to only 8% completing developmental math. 

As important to a successful college career as gateway courses are, too few students complete these vital, momentum building courses. Only 16% of community college students complete gateway courses in both math and English in their first year. Of the nearly 30,000 first time students enrolling in a Kentucky public institution in fall 2020, 19,000 of these students will not have reached this key academic milestone.

Learn more about the roadblocks in the way of gateway course completion and how Kentucky is paving the way for student success here.

Gateway Course for Student Success
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative