4 Ways CBD Products Can Help Improve Your Pet's Well-Being

While research about the effects of CBD products on animals is still ongoing, four major benefits of the supplement for pets have emerged through recent studies. CBD can help with conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety, allergies, and pain. CBD products won’t cure these conditions in your pet, but they can alleviate some of the side effects of these issues. Let’s take a look at how these ailments are treated through CBD, and how to get your pet started.

1- Epilepsy

If your dog or cat is prone to seizures, CBD is a potential treatment option. Many dogs and cats undergoing CBD treatment for seizures experience less frequent or less severe seizures. While the reason isn’t known for sure, researchers believe that CBD can reduce the number of times nerves fire in the brain. More research is needed, but CBD could be a natural remedy to ease your pet’s epilepsy.

2- Pain

Whether your dog or cat is experiencing arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, or they’ve just had surgery, CBD can ease your pet’s pain. CBD products contain a host of anti-inflammatory properties, which can improve the range of motion in knee and hip joints. When you can manage your pet’s pain after surgery, helping them be comfortable and leave their wounds alone, your pet can recover a lot more quickly.

3- Allergies and Skin Conditions

Many pets are prone to allergies or skin irritation, which can make them feel constantly itchy and miserable all the time. A lot of prescription allergy medications can leave pets feeling lethargic or may not even work. CBD products include creams and topical ointments, meaning you can use the medicine directly on your dog or cat’s coat.

In addition to relieving itchy, irritated skin, CBD creams can improve the shine and appearance of your pet’s coat. Pet hair can get coarser with age, but CBD can keep your pets looking and feeling young even as they age.

4- Anxiety

Just like humans, pets can experience anxiety. While we can’t control the loud noises or times of separation that commonly lead to anxiety in pets, CBD can help you calm your pets enough to deal with whatever is bothering them. If you’re tired of ripped-up furniture or scrubbing spots out of the carpet, you might try giving pets a small dose of CBD before loud events or before you need to leave home. More research is needed, but researchers believe that CBD supplements may activate the part of the brain that produces serotonin, a feel-good hormone.

As with any new products, make sure you read the label and ensure whatever product you use is specifically made for animals. Before you give your pet any kind of supplement, including CBD, check with your vet first to ensure these products are a good fit. It’s a good idea to talk to your vet about dosages and frequency of use, as your vet will be able to get an accurate weight on your pet. Animals suffer from many of the same ailments that we as humans do, and CBD may just help them live their best lives.