Since 2007, TMS Health Solutions has been an industry leader in innovative evidence-based psychiatric treatments, including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Led by founder Dr. Richard Bermudes, TMS Health Solutions would recently announce a name change in an effort to re-brand under the mantle, Mindful Health Solutions.

Already well-established industry leaders in the realm of TMS therapy, the team at Mindful Health Solutions is emphasizing their patient-first focus on addressing innovative psychiatric care for depression that is resistant to treatment, as well as a host of other psychiatry services.

Innovative Services at Mindful Health Solutions

The utilization of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was cleared by the FDA in 2008, within a year of Dr. Bermudes founding TMS Health Solutions. For years, Dr. Bermudes and his team worked to introduce TMS therapy to those struggling with treatment-resistant depression as well as chronic headaches and migraines. With over a decade of experience in the field directing clients to the psychiatric care that they need, Mindful Health Solutions has expanded its offerings to include more complete coverage.

Brad Hummel is the Chief Executive Officer at Mindful Health Solutions. Hummel stated of the rebranding efforts through a press release, “It allows us to better represent our care and treatment philosophy.”

More than just thoughtful words of optimism for the future, Hummel’s statement comes alongside major changes within the service offerings available through Mindful Health Solutions, including innovative new additions to their psychiatric services, such as Esketamine Nasal Spray.

What Is Esketamine Nasal Spray? —  Approved by the FDA in 2019 for treatment-resistant depression, Esketamine nasal spray is used in conjunction with traditional oral antidepressants. As a first-of-it’s-kind FDA-approved psychedelic medication, it is the second drug ever to get approval for TRD.

Who Is Suited For Esketamine? — Esketamine is a different form of medication than most are used to, at least for treating depression. Esketamine is ideal for individuals who did not find substantial relief through the use of just antidepressants or talk therapy. 

What Is a Treatment Session Like? — A treatment session with Esketamine Nasal Spray is undertaken in a medical office under the guidance of a professional. This self-administered medication is taken without the need of anesthesia, with a total treatment course consisting of twelve sessions across two months. Patents will require post-treatment transportation.

Available through most insurers, prospective patients can request a consultation through Mindful Health Solutions to find out if Esketamine Nasal Spray is the right treatment option for their depression. 

Industry Leaders in TMS Therapy

As industry leaders in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Mindful Health Solutions continues to focus on spreading the efficacy of TMS therapy to individuals with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Between 10% and 30% of individuals with a reported major depressive disorder will show a resistance to traditional treatment modalities, thus underscoring the need for a psychiatrist near me trained in TMS.

How Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Work? — During an rTMS session, an electromagnetic wand is placed against the patient’s head, targeting and stimulating through magnetic pulses the nerve cells in our brain most responsible for depression and mood. It is believed that some areas of the brain will experience reduced activity due to depression, something rTMS seeks to fix.

Why Do People Prefer TMS Therapy? — Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive procedure that can be applied in an office setting without the need for any anesthesia. Covered by most major insurers, TMS therapy sessions last between 30 and 60 minutes with patients able to return immediately to their daily activities.

How Long Does TMS Therapy Take? — Individuals who pursue TMS therapy under the guidance of Mindful Health Solutions will typically undergo treatment for up to six weeks. Some patients will report benefits almost immediately while others will require more time to note the effects.

Bringing Mindful Health Solutions to Newport Beach

In line with their rebranding efforts, the team at Mindful Health Solutions has announced several new branches throughout California. Most recently Dr. Bermudes and the MHS team revealed their Newport Beach location on Newport Place Drive, a central office with four psychiatrists as well as a nurse practitioner. Locations in Elk Grove, Roseville, and Sacramento are to follow.

More than just an industry expert in therapeutic Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Mindful Health Solutions offers an array of advanced treatment plans for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic pain, and memory disorders. Most treatment plans designed by Mindful Health Solutions incorporate multiple steps, including but not limited to lifestyle changes, antidepressants, psychotherapy, and talk therapy.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mindful Health Solutions has embraced online video conferencing for new patient appointments. Some health plans have also announced that they will be waiving copay fees for these services.

To see if the therapeutic services available at Mindful Health Solutions are right for you, fill out a contact form to get started today.