The internet has made most daily activities easy and available from the comfort of home. Common purchases can be made through delivery services, groceries can be ordered and delivered, and now doctors’ appointments can even happen over video chats, but is the convenience worth the risk?

Telehealth involves any distribution of medical-related services over technological mediums. This can involve remote therapy sessions, video call checkups, and over-the-phone updates from health care providers. This may seem appealing to individuals who avoid going into doctors’ offices, as telehealth allows for people to keep up with their health needs from the comfort of their own homes, but the convenience comes with a price. In discussing personal medical information over the internet, there is the risk of third parties and advertisers having access to this information and potentially selling or leaking it.

So what is the solution? Blockchain applications can significantly strengthen the security of the telehealth network, protecting patients’ medical records and sensitive information. By using blockchain applications, medical records are stored in fragmented systems which make it more difficult for third parties to gain access to the information. 

Blockchain applications are also beneficial to the doctors who are on the other end of the telehealth system. With blockchain-powered telehealth providers have a more seamless exchange of data and they have access to more complete patient histories. Patients can also rest assured that their private information is secure and they are provided with the same ledger of information the provider has so they know exactly what is being entered into their records. 

With the dangers of third parties having access to sensitive information, it is important to take the necessary precautions to protect information. Blockchain applications provide this security and are a great step to take in ensuring that personal information stays personal.

Blockchain & The Future Of Medicine