4 Steps to Take After Your Dog Bites Someone

Dogs are wonderful pets. They protect you, entertain you, and rarely judge you. However, they can also be a liability to the owner if they bite someone. It is important to know how to handle the matter to avoid civil lawsuits. The following steps will guide you in what to do when your dog has bitten someone.

1. Contact Your Insurance Company

Call your homeowner’s insurance company. They will direct you on what to do. If the incident occurred at a house with multiple policyholders, all policyholders should be contacted. The homeowner’s insurance company will instruct you on what to do next and may take over the situation completely. It is important to notify them of any possible lawsuits, as they will protect the dog owner and property owner from civil liability.

2. Contact Your Local Animal Control

If the dog was involved in a bite incident, you must notify your local animal control. They will come and take the dog away to quarantine for ten days. If the dog does not have rabies, you can request that it be released after quarantining for ten days. However, there is no guarantee that this will happen. They will also inform you whether or not the dog owner will be held liable for your damages.

3. Contact an Attorney for Legal Advice

You should contact an attorney for advice. Your attorney will advise you whether or not the dog owner has a case or believes he is at fault. If the bite were intentional, he would advise you to file a lawsuit if the dog owner is found at fault. They will also give you advice on the compensation you may receive. However, if the bite was an accident, your lawyer will advise you not to pursue any legal action.

4. File a Report and Have a Follow-Up Meeting

Report the incident to animal control, call the dog owner, and set up a follow-up meeting. Ensure that you notify your insurance company in writing before your follow-up meeting. It will help them cover any potential damages. If you are concerned about neighbors or business owners complaining, tell them that you notified the dog owner and that they were not at fault in the incident. It is important to follow up with all parties involved in the accident, including the dog owner. They will appreciate your courtesy and politeness.

Having a dog can be wonderful since they are great friends and protect you from strangers. However, they can also pose problems if they bite someone or break into a house. By following the above steps, you can avoid the hassle of civil lawsuits, which is not something anyone wants to deal with. It is important to be careful and aware of your dog. Always make sure that you keep a firm hold on your pet when it is outside. Dog parks, yards, and parks are great places for dogs to roam free. However, be aware of how the other dogs in the surroundings act when they see your dog. Being startled by a stranger in your yard or park can get anyone bitten.