On October 25, 1960, Bulova released the first and most advanced electronic watch in the world. Its breakthrough in timekeeping, known as Accutron, was the first of its kind to hit the market. Now, since its initial release, over 200 models of Accutron have been released to the public. Because of this, Accutron technology has inspired and been used in several different and unrelated fields, such as space travel, architecture, and even footwear.

Accutron technology was adopted by the US Air Force, the CIA, and NASA to help create the Accutron Astronaut, a wristwatch designed to meet the demands of high speed space travel. In fact, several moon missions would not be possible without the accuracy of Accutron technology. Back on Earth, the Accutron spaceview was inspiring other cultural movements. 

The Centre Pompidou building in Paris follows a similar “inside out” type of design, with its inner workings on display as part of its exterior. It was this building that then inspired Tinker Hatfield, the designer of the Nike Air Max Sneaker, to create his iconic footwear staple.

The transparent air bubble element of the shoe was intended to mimic the window in the Accutron Spaceview, showing how truly influential this technology was. Considered by many to be one of the greatest sneakers in history, this iconic Nike shoe is a prime example of Accutron’s lasting legacy.

A Gift That Inspired History