If you use a computer for long periods of time you may be interested to learn about health problems that occur when people spend too much time in front of the screen. There are a variety of different issues that can arise, including eye fatigue, repetitive strain injuries, and even long-term effects on the musculoskeletal system.

Repetitive strain injury

When a person has repetitive strain injury, they experience symptoms such as pain in the wrists, numbness, or tingling in the hands. If left untreated, these conditions may progress to more serious problems, including weakness and loss of motor control.

Some types of RSI can be treated with physiotherapy or other non-surgical interventions. These include therapeutic exercises, postural retraining, muscle strengthening, and ergonomic adjustment.

Physiotherapy can be free on the NHS in the UK. Alternatively, it can be paid privately. For those who want to pursue more extensive treatment, surgery is an option.

RSIs are caused by repeated forceful use of the hand, wrist, or arm. The tendons, muscles, and nerves in the limbs are affected. As a result, the tissues in these areas start to wear out.

Eye fatigue

Computer eye fatigue is the result of hours of focused concentration on a digital device, regardless of the computer monitors you use. The American Optometric Association defines it as “computer vision syndrome” (CVS). It can cause a number of problems, including headaches, light sensitivity, and sore eyes.

Eyestrain is a common condition. Symptoms usually come and go in a few hours. However, you should seek treatment for if you experience prolonged eye discomfort or vision problems. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription lens to relieve your symptoms or offer other options such as eye exercises or lifestyle changes.

There are a few simple steps you can take to minimize your computer eye strain. Start by resting your eyes. Doing so can decrease the amount of blue light your eyes are exposed to.

Musculoskeletal problems

Computer work can be associated with a number of musculoskeletal problems. These disorders can have a negative effect on your mobility and functionality. Musculoskeletal disorders are characterized by persistent pain and limitations on your ability to perform daily activities.

There is a growing body of evidence linking computer use and musculoskeletal symptoms. Many people in modern workplaces report musculoskeletal pain, and studies have shown that computer users experience musculoskeletal discomfort.

Musculoskeletal problems can be caused by poor ergonomics, bad lighting, and prolonged use without breaks. Studies have also shown that a lack of physical activity can increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders.

In the United States, musculoskeletal diseases are among the most common types of workplace injuries. As of 2008, 29 percent of workplace injuries were caused by musculoskeletal disorders.

Skin complaints

The medical community has begun to take note of the increasing number of skin complaints associated with the widespread use of computers and other personal electronic devices. Despite this growing concern, the evidence regarding their effect on the body is still inconclusive.

Many of these symptoms are related to the perceived work load, not the actual work. For instance, the ability to take a rest break is not correlated with symptoms of skin disease. On the other hand, the presence of an office computer is a predictor of sensitive and acne-prone skin.

A group of Swiss medical researchers cite a case of a 12-year-old boy with discolored thigh. The aforementioned is likely a side effect of a rosacea rash.

Computers, particularly video display terminals (VDTs), have been implicated in skin ailments. One study reported that users of VDTs had higher rates of skin disorders than non-users.

Long-term effects

Computers and the Internet can cause several health problems, ranging from musculoskeletal pain to mental illnesses. They can also be addictive. The most common areas affected by computer overuse include the neck, back, and wrists. These problems can be treated with physical activity.

Long-term effects of computer use on health include poor posture, muscle strain, and fatigue. These factors can increase the risk of falls, blood clots, and obesity. However, regular exercise can reverse these effects and help counteract many other health problems.

While the relationship between computer use and sickness absence has been studied before, no studies have explored how it affects long-term sickness absence. One study found no association between computer use and sickness absence, while another found a small but significant association.