When deciding to automate insurance verification systems organizations typically have two main options: developing an in-house automation system or engaging with external experts. Building an in-house solution involves significant initial and ongoing costs, including design, testing, implementation, and long-term maintenance. This process can span from several months to years, depending on the system’s complexity and the organization’s needs. While an in-house system offers ownership and the ability to tailor the technology to specific requirements, it also comes with challenges such as high costs and extended development timelines.

Conversely, purchasing a pre-built system can mitigate some of these risks, but requires careful vendor evaluation to ensure it aligns with organizational goals. Orbit presents a compelling option in this regard. Utilizing advanced technology and a comprehensive database of insurance plans, Orbit enables rapid coverage verification in seconds rather than hours or days. This system combines customization with proven effectiveness, offering substantial benefits.

Whether opting for in-house development or outsourcing, the goal is to optimize insurance verification automation. Finding a solution that can help bring modern efficiency in healthcare administration, create accuracy, be cost-effective, and improve patient care outcomes is key. When this can be done organizations will be able to enhance operational efficiency and stay at the forefront of innovation in a dynamic healthcare landscape.

Build vs Buy - Orbit Healthcare - Insurance Benefit Verification Automation
Source: Orbit Healthcare