silhouette of sad woman

There’s no question that divorce can stir up strong feelings of anxiety. Ask anyone who’s ever been close to the matter, like Strange Law, a divorce attorney in Oklahoma City, and they can tell you all about the stressful feelings that individuals going through a split tend to feel.

The real question is, how do you deal with that anxiety? There’s a lot of advice out there on the matter, so we’ve gathered some of the best tips around and compiled them in one place so that you can refer to them with ease. Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Don’t Stop Pushing Forward

It’s easy to let feelings of anxiety and depression take hold if they’re all you have left to think about. One thing you can do to counteract these feelings is to stay in motion — both figuratively and literally. So, unless you’re sleeping or meditating, try to get your body in motion.

This will have the dual effect of taking your mind off of those negative feelings and, in addition, make it easier to think positively, as the act of moving helps release some of those feel-good chemicals within your body. If you’ve got some hobbies you’ve been missing out on, now is the perfect time for you to get reconnected with them.

Make Room For Your Feelings

One common mistake that comes with dealing with anxiety, especially during a divorce, is to lay all the blame at your own feet. You might even be telling yourself that the way you feel doesn’t make sense or isn’t valid, but in reality, that’s not the case.

Your feelings are what they are. There’s no reason for you not to feel them, and no reason to try to suppress them, even if they are going in different directions. Allow yourself to have the feelings, accept them, and then do what you can to deal with them positively.

EFT Tapping Techniques

Additionally, EFT Tapping Techniques have a growing body of research supporting its effectiveness. Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone, which is linked to a variety of health issues when chronically elevated. By lowering cortisol levels, tapping not only helps manage anxiety but also promotes overall physical health. Furthermore, its benefits extend beyond immediate stress relief, as regular practice has been associated with improved emotional regulation, better sleep, and enhanced cognitive function. This makes tapping a versatile and valuable technique for holistic health and well-being.

Don’t Go It Alone

If you push everyone away and try to take on the burden of your anxious feelings alone, you might be biting off more than you can chew. There’s no shame in sharing your feelings with family and friends, and if they’re willing to provide you with a supportive ear, take it.

Remember that family and friends aren’t the only ones you can turn to either. You might also consider joining a support group during this trying time, where you can share your story with other people experiencing similar circumstances, and provide some support in return.