
It’s true what they say, a dog really is an unconditional best friend. If your family owns a dog, you know how fun, lovable, and exciting they can be.

But, some high energy dogs can be hyper all day long, demanding all your attention and causing difficulty around other people. The good news is, there is hope for our furry friends. 

With these top tips for managing hyper dogs, you can find simple and healthy ways to calm them down each day. This can make for a pet that’s easier to interact with around family, friends, and strangers. 

1. Play a Doggy Sport

There are many factors that can cause hyperactivity in dogs. One of the most common is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. One of the main ways for managing hyper dogs is to provide them with an outlet to express their energy. 

One sport that your dog will love is swimming or dock jumping. If you live near a lake or river that is safe for dogs to swim in, take your dog and family on a fun outing. By swimming in the water and jumping off of a dock, your dog will express energy and learn a new helpful skill. 

This and other doggy sports can help tire your pet out throughout the day so that they are calmer, less anxious, and even sleep better at night.

2. Keep Your Cool

If you have a hyper dog that jumps, barks, or runs around your house, they are exhibiting some of the most common behavior issues among various dog breeds. You might often react with yelling, clapping, or frustration in an attempt to stop the behavior. But, these loud noises and tense energy can actually hype your dog up even more.

When handling high energy dogs, counteract their energy with calm and cool behavior. 

When hyper dogs have an outburst over toys or new visitors, it’s best to not feed into the behavior. You might find that making no eye contact or physical contact can help them calm down. Giving into hyper behavior by providing treats or picking them up can feel like a reward. 

You might also consider speaking to them in a calm and quiet way. This contrast to loud barking or jumping can help signal to your dog that it’s time to be quiet and sit still. Remember, dogs are intuitive animals and can understand body language and social signals more than you might think. 

3. Try CBD Products

For dogs with high anxiety and energy, CBD products can help calm their mind and also get better sleep. While you might be apprehensive about CBD products, remember that these ingredients won’t sedate your dog or “get them high.” Treats with CBD in them help your dog reach a normal level of calmness to keep them relaxed and happy throughout the day. 

If your dog often acts out when meeting new people or going to new places, CBD is also effective in relieving stress. Consider talking with your veterinarian about trying CBD treats or oils. For more information on this helpful ingredient for dogs, click to discover here.

Help Your High Energy Dogs Today

Now that you know our top advice for handling high energy dogs, what are you waiting for? By following these helpful tips, your dog can feel more relaxed, calm, and happy. 

For other articles on all things pets, home life, and more, be sure to check out the rest of our website.