Many people have experienced increased levels of stress since the COVID-19 pandemic began.  Eight in 10 Americans are experiencing higher stress levels caused by rising prices and inflation, supply chain issues, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

One in four employees have admitted they are approaching burnout with nearly two in three Americans stating that they “desperately needed” a vacation.  More than half of American adults say they are often mentally tired, even when they haven’t been active physically.  This mental fatigue and lack of sleep can be caused by having too much on their mind or being too anxious to sleep.  28% of American adults have turned to over-the-counter sleep aids while 19% started a  prescription sleep medication.  

Having high stress levels can lead to sleep problems and fatigue.  In fact, lack of sleep makes us more vulnerable to stressors over time.  Poor sleep can have several negative effects.  One of them is having poor health as one hour of lost sleep correlates to 0.42 units higher BMI as well as a mortality rate 13% higher than those sleeping seven hours or more.  

Lack of sleep can also result in poor financial decisions and two times greater risk of being involved in a car accident.  In terms of productivity, people who get 7-8 hours of sleep each night are about 30% more productive than those who sleep less. Even though sleep is vital to our overall health, wellbeing, and focus, one in three American adults don’t get enough sleep.

Nevertheless, you can make changes in your life to invest in better sleep.  Getting enough quality sleep helps to reduce fatigue, moderate stress levels, improve immune response, increase memory, boost work performance, and mediate emotional responses.  One way to get more sleep is to get better sheets.  Sheets with a thread count between 200 and 800 helps maximize durability and softness.  Choosing a thread count that feels right for you and is ideal for the current season can make a big difference in your sleep.  

In terms of the fabric itself, cotton is more breathable and comfortable.  Most people also seem to sleep better when they are slightly cooler than daytime temperature.  Neutral and deeper tone colors create a soothing and relaxing environment that is ideal for sleep.  It is also a good idea to launder new bedding before you use it to remove stiffening agents and opt for additive-free detergent to reduce skin irritation.  

Americans’ stress about finances in 2022 reached a new high since 2015, but self-care doesn’t have to come at a high price.  Spending on your own health can feel expensive but will pay off in the long term, like hiring a personal trainer or getting counseling.  Spending a little extra on services like personal assistants and grocery delivery can free time from mundane tasks so you can focus on what really matters.

Getting better sleep is beneficial to your health, wellbeing, and focus in the long term, so it’s best to find what works for you.

Stressed & Not Sleeping — How you can improve your sleep
Source: PizunaLinens