A Pet Owner's Guide To Safely Giving Dogs Honey

Our precious pets mean the world to us. We care for them as we would care for treasured family members, giving thought to their daily needs and attending to any creature comfort that they require.

Dogs, in particular, are one of our most loyal animal companions. With us through the ups and downs of daily life, they can hover around us most in the kitchen, hoping for the occasional treat that will fall from fork to floor and sweeten their day.

Regardless of how long you’ve owned your pet, you’re likely to have a few questions about safe snacking. Some of our favorite foods–such as chocolate and tomato–are harmful to dogs. Knowing what to safely feed Chomper will put you at ease the next time you find yourself with a kitchen companion. Read on to see how to safely give dogs a sweet and healthy treat–honey.

Can Dogs Have Honey?

Dogs can have honey, with a few precautions and some careful administration. It is one superfood that’s packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your dog needs for optimal health. Not only does it taste amazing, but it also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that will help to safeguard your dog’s health for years to come. Let’s take a look at how this miracle food can sweeten the tongue and protect canine health.

Honey Helps to Minimize Allergies

Even animals can get seasonal allergies. Studies have shown that seasonal allergies can be alleviated with the administration of honey. Honey contains trace amounts of flower pollen that, when ingested, allows your dog to create antibodies that help to prevent an autoimmune response to airborne irritants. Whenever possible, shop local for local honey, as it contains pollen unique to your area that will positively impact your dog. Pollen also contains a powerful compound called quercetin, a bioflavonoid containing antihistamines, which will help decrease itchy, watery eyes.

Honey Alleviates Skin Problems

Dogs are infamous for picking up hot spots, eczema, and insect bites that can contribute to itchy, inflamed skin. Topical honey is a great way to soothe and heal common skin conditions.

Unpasteurized, raw honey has tremendous healing capabilities. Its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties can help to heal scratches, scrapes, and wounds while keeping the site clean and free from infection.

Honey can Soothe Throat Irritation and Calm Cough

Regular administration of honey can work wonders for soothing a sore, itchy throat, both for you and your dog. Just a teaspoon can coat the dry, irritated throat and provide the pup with some welcome relief.

Honey can Regulate Digestion

A bit of honey can be a very effective way to calm stomach upset and reduce the incidence of problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, and constipation. Honey contains both prebiotics and probiotics, two key elements that play a big role in regulating healthy digestion.

Administering Honey Safely

While honey has remarkable health benefits, it is a simple sugar. Too much of it can have adverse side effects. Follow these guidelines for safe and effective administration.

Up to 10 lbs—-Administer 1/4 tsp of honey daily

10-20 lbs—Administer 1/2 tsp of honey daily

20-50 lbs—-Administer 1 tsp of honey daily

50+ lbs—-Administer up to 2 tsp of honey daily

Start slow and small, adding drops into food until your dog gets used to the smell and taste. As your pet adjusts, add. a bit more until you are giving him the right amount of honey appropriate to his size. Watch for changes in bowel habits and behavior to ensure that it agrees with him, and ask your veterinarian for recommendations for ongoing administration if you see changes in behavior or health.

Honey is a miracle compound that we can use for hundreds of applications to ensure better health. The fact that it is a sweet treat in addition to being a critical component of wellness is a bonus that you and your pet can appreciate. Look forward to all the wonderful ways that your pet’s life will be improved and enhanced with delicious, versatile honey.