Antibiotics have the power to save lives by treating serious bacterial infections such as pneumonia, ear infection or meningitis.

But antibiotics can have adverse reactions such as allergic reactions, stomach and bowel issues, nausea and fungal infections.

Misuse of antibiotics can exacerbate a patient’s condition and even cause them to become resistant, making future treatment impossible or more complex.

They don’t treat viral infections

Antibiotics can stop many bacteria from multiplying, but they won’t treat viruses – these tiny organisms invade living cells before replicating and often leading to disease.

Viruses consist of a protein coat and core made up of genetic material (RNA or DNA). Although their size prevents direct observation by humans, doctors use patterns and symptoms to ascertain whether an illness is caused by viruses or bacteria.

Colds, flu, COVID-19 and acute sinusitis are viral infections that typically resolve on their own within a week or two; longer lasting or more severe infections could be caused by bacteria.

Overuse of antibiotics to treat viral infections is dangerous because they won’t cure the infection and could even become resistant to them – meaning they won’t kill off the germs that caused the initial outbreak in the first place!

They weaken the immune system

Antibiotics are designed to stop or kill the growth of bacteria by targeting specific parts of their cell walls or important enzymes present.

These drugs can be highly effective at fighting bacteria, but they may have unwanted side effects as well, including reduced immune function. Without it, your body won’t be able to attack bacteria as effectively.

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria become immune to treatment with antibiotics, leading to more difficult bacterial infections that require longer hospital stays, increased medical expenses and even death.

Antibiotics can help you combat bacteria that makes you ill, but should only be taken when necessary – for instance during a serious infection. When taken incorrectly however, antibiotics can weaken your immune system further making you vulnerable to diseases – thus it’s vitally important that you consult with a doctor about which kind of antibiotic would best suit you.

They cause antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are drugs designed to combat bacterial infections. These antibiotics are often prescribed for treating strep throat and skin infections as well as many other illnesses.

As more people use antibiotics, more bacteria become resistant. This could potentially lead to more serious illnesses like pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Resistance may develop from mutations to the germ’s DNA or through horizontal transfer of resistance genes from other bacteria species into those responsible for illness.

Most antibiotics reach the environment through human and domestic animal excrement or improper disposal or handling of used drugs51-56; industrial pollution also contributes to resistance evolution and selection in nature (65,61,62).

They can cause side effects

Antibiotics are drugs used to kill or stop bacteria from growing, used primarily to treat infections like strep throat, whooping cough and urinary tract infections.

Antibiotics may cause side effects ranging from mild to severe. Antibiotics may alter your gut bacteria, leading to stomachache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea in certain instances.

Children are at greater risk for antibiotic side effects due to having weaker immune systems. According to one study conducted by Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, approximately 70,000 emergency room visits annually due to antibiotic side effects were due to 19 and under children who experienced one or more antibiotic-induced reactions.

Mild allergic reactions to antibiotics may cause mild skin rashes or itching; however, severe reactions known as anaphylaxis require urgent medical intervention and require emergency assistance.