For around 6,000 years, humans have used water piping systems to benefit their society. In modern America, we have seen the water piping system explode to over 2.2 million miles of water pipe. Unfortunately, America only replaces around 0.5% of these pipes annually meaning that pipes can go around 200 years before being replaced.

These inefficiencies are often a result of the types of pipes used. Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipes (PCCP) and Ductile Iron Pipes (DIP) have a projected lifespan of only 50 to 100 years. However, rampant corrosion and difficult maintenance often shorten how long the pipes last. Consequently, the U.S. sees a water main burst around every 2 minutes.

Fortunately, modern innovations have provided a solution to the many flaws of previous pipes. The Hobas Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Mortar (FRPM) pipes have a longevity of over 150 years and the lowest carbon footprint of any water pipe type. They can even be easily installed on both new and existing water mains alike.

Ultimately, to ensure America’s piping systems can keep America running, the modern innovation of the FRPM pipes provides the best utility. To cut down on water waste and difficult maintenance, taking advantage of FRPM pipes is essential.

The Water Fiberglass Pipe – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow